The Frogmarch

"I've got to pull up my stakes and roll, man." --Jean-Jacques Libris de Kerouac

Sunday, August 01, 2010

What They Think of Us, Season 4 Episode 9

Gleaned from the street index of my Lyon map, herewith the local streets named after Americans:

Entertainment Division:
Rue John Ford
Rue Charlie Chaplin
Allee Buster Keaton

Military Division:
Avenue General Eisenhower
Boulevard des Etas-Unis (so named because during WWI it ran to the US Army camp just outside of town; the site, since annexed, is now an entire neighborhood known as Etas-Unis)
Rue de 3 Septembre 1944 (date of the liberation of Lyon)

Political Division:
Cours Franklin Roosevelt
Pont Woodrow Wilson
Avenue de President Kennedy

Science Division:
Rue Jonas Salk
Avenue Albert Einstein (half-credit, naturalized after his most important work)
Avenue Enrico Fermi (half-credit, ditto)

Square des Ameriques (a bit of a stretch, maybe)
Impasse Lindbergh
Avenue Rockefeller

[Photo: Although, in general, 19th-century transcendentalists are underrepresented in graffiti art, Uncle Hank-Dave peers out on a heavily-tagged stairway on the slopes of the Croix-Rousse]