Election Addendum

I believe the order of candidates from left to right mirrors the order in which they will appear on the ballot, rather than any sort of placement

Some of the lesser candidates try to cram everything they can about their platform onto the poster; others assume you know what they're about already and opt for the glamour shot and catchy slogan.
You can probably gauge a neighborhood's attitude toward a particular candidate by how quickly that person's poster becomes (literally) de-faced. I think the LePen posters come from the printer pre-defaced, with a Sharpied-on Hitler moustache at the very least. Sarkozy seems to fare poorly in Lyon [pic].

There are also a good number of riverbank cafes open now, too--but not enough, since I didn't see

The city of Lyon seems to be pretty good at this sort of thing, the public-works project. There always seems to be something new opening up or breaking ground--new metro lines or tramways, underground parking decks, playgrounds, additions to the library, and so on--and they seem to be able to do it without the delays and cost overruns you see so often in the States. Perhaps that's an advantage of a socialist system (that's with a lowercase "s", though the city government is also dominated by capital-S Socialists); interestingly, I've never heard

Or maybe I just hang out with people who work for international organizations and don't pay taxes. Maybe I should spend more time hanging out with the punters at the local PMU cafe (parimutuel, off-track betting) to hear the true cigarette-roughened voice of the average or slightly-less-than-average Frenchman.
At 4:22 PM,
Anonymous said…
You'll be pleased to know that The Dispatch carried the results of the election!
At 2:59 PM,
Frogmarch said…
I expected no less. Over the years I've always looked forward to reading the trenchant analysis from the good ol' boys at the Dispatch's Paris Bureau.
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