You are driving the narrow, cobblestone streets of Vieux-Lyon. It is a maze of one-ways and dead ends, each block an obstacle course of teenagers on scooters, suicidal cyclists, and errant tourists with eyes glued to camera viewfinders. The traffic snarls along one length at a time, and your left leg is getting sore from endless neutral-first-neutral-pause-first-neutral-pause-first-second!-first-neutral. The good news is that somewhere along here, you can turn up onto Rue Tramassac, which will take you up the hill, above the crowded streets of Vieux-Lyon's tourist district to the Fortress of Solitude.
But no. You have forgotten-- this time of day, Rue Tramassac is closed to vehicular traffic.

"Jesus!" You say out loud, in spite of yourself. "Now
where do I go?"
And you are answered:
You must turn left, My child.
[photos: Our Lady of Intermittent Street Closure and Left-Turn Jesus, Rue Tramassac. I finally got around to taking more photos of
Neighborhood Saints and Virgins, and this one spoke to me. So to speak.]
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